Effects of technology-based mindfulness training on wellbeing and stress

Tatjana Schauer, Sarah Diefenbach


More and more people practice mindfulness to reduce stress and improve their wellbeing. In this regards, technology-based interventions such as smartphone apps provide an interesting potential. Our study explores effects on users' perceived wellbeing and stress on the example of the mindfulness-based app My Blossom. Forty-four new users answered four online questionnaires in one-week intervals, containing established multi-item wellbeing and stress scales for as well as single-item direct explicit questions about perceived changes in wellbeing and stress. In combination, these two forms of assessment provided insights to what degree users are conscious of a possible change and whether these perceptions are in parallel to the more indirect measures. Paired t tests show significant improvements in positive and negative affect, mood and stress in both scales and overall ratings after three weeks of mindfulness-training with My Blossom compared to the pre-intervention baseline. These findings suggest mindfulness-training in form of an app as an interesting alternative to mindfulness-trainings under instructions of a physically present trainer and the power to increase wellbeing and decrease stress. Future research should concentrate on the specific mechanisms and possible design factors of app-based mindfulness-trainings (e.g., variety of training offers, degree of guidance, reminder functions) as well as long term effects.


mindfulness, technology-based interventions, apps, wellbeing, stress reduction

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18103/imr.v7i1.901


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