Extruded: A Review of the Life Impacts of Environmental Sensitivities

Pamela Reed Gibson




This paper reviews the substantial life impacts of having environmental sensitivities (ES), including both chemical sensitivities (CS) and electrohypersensitivities (EHS). Impacts of having these environmentally related conditions include difficulty in finding medical care, occupational problems, financial loss, exclusion from community resources, problems with finding safe housing, lack of social support, personal distress, and changes to identity. From medical, social, and environmental perspectives, these conditions are understudied. In order to acknowledge and understand these problems, it is necessary to confront the environmental context in which they occur.


environmental sensitivity; chemical sensitivity; electrohypersensitivity; multiple chemical sensitivities; chemical hypersensitivity

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18103/imr.v0i2.63


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