Engoba Moyen, Boubakar Diall, Judicael Kambourou, Gaston Ekouya Bowassa, Georges Moyen


Tetanus remains a public health issue in SubSharan Africa. With the child, the acute, generalized form is the most common one, but there are clinical variants.

We are reporting here a case of localized tetanus of the limbs involving a 16 year old teenager that appeared following an intramuscular injection of quinine that was carried out in a non registered surgery. The evolution was favourable during the treatment.

We are emphasizing systematic prevention by means of vaccination, but also a rigorous respect of  asepsy rules. The improvement of the poupulations' socio-economic and cultural conditions constitute another prevention axis.


localized tetanus ; pelvis limbs ; teenager ; Brazzaville.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18103/imr.v3i12.598


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