Blood-Based Markers in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Part 1. The Mechanisms of Dysregulation

Aristo Vojdani, Jama Lambert, Elroy Vojdani, MD


Autism Spectrum Disorders are complex challenges for the healthcare practitioner. As with other environmentally-induced autoimmune disorders, autism is a combination of genetic susceptibility, barrier dysfunction and environmental triggers. The pathogenesis of autism can take many avenues from gut dysbiosis to loss of intestinal barrier integrity to systemic inflammation to breach of blood-brain barrier to neurodegeneration. For some, the trigger may be a body burden of chemicals that bind to neuronal tissues. For others, the onset of autism may be due to cross-reactivity between a virus and neurological tissue. In this chapter, we aim to illustrate the various, possible mechanisms that play a role in the multifaceted neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration seen in Autism Spectrum Disorders.


Autism Spectrum Disorders, Neuroinflammation, Lypopolysaccharides, Xenobiotics, Body burden, Intestinal permeability, Blood-brain barrier

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