The effect of a soy-yoghurt-honey product on overweight, obesity and related health risk factors. A review

Sadaf koohkan, Aloys Berg


The prevalence of overweight and obesity is rising worldwide despite increased spending on weight loss programs. People living with obesity have heard the messages but find it difficult to act upon them (Thomas et al., 2008). In fact, there is an agreement in therapeutic recommendations that people who are overweight and obese need to be counselled and given perspective and practical strategies for lifestyle changes (Saris, 2001)

The soy-yoghurt-honey formula (SYHF) which is described in this review with special focus to its effectiveness on weight control and metabolic regulation was established more than thirty years ago as a health product in Bienenbüttel, Germany.
Meanwhile this product is approved as a food supplement (50 g portion solved in 200ml water) as well as a suitable meal replacement product (1g per kg normal body weight referred to Broca Index) which can support the prevention and therapy of overweight and obesity in adults. Furthermore, this formula is an important part of “The Almased Concept against Overweight and Obesity and Related Health Risk (ACOORH)” and the basis of a recently started multicenter randomized clinical trial to confirm the effects of Almased® on body composition and comorbidities in non-diabetic, viscerally fat-distributed overweight or obese patients with at least one additional comorbidity of the metabolic syndrome and with a special focus on the pre-diabetic state (Berg et al., 2015; Berg et al., 2016).


Soy, Yoghurt, Honey, Meal replacement, Weight management , Metabolic syndrome, Diabetes Type2, Muscle mass preservation, Quality of life

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