The Impact Of Gender Equity On Delay Time For Hip Fracture Surgery

Adalsteinn Brown, Carey Levinton


Purpose : The objective of this study was to examine whether in a single payer health care system with universal coverage gender equity plays a role in the delays to surgery following hip fracture.

Methods: Decision tree  analysis was used to determine which interactions of patient characteristics, including health status, comorbidities and socio-economic factors, were most significant in segmenting the population into relatively homogeneous sub-groups based on delay in surgery following a hip fracture. Lorenz curves were then used to compute a gini coefficient – a common measure of equality – based on the subgroups formed through the decision tree analysis.

Results:  Women were five years older on average, had higher blood pressure and greater prevalence of arthritis or rheumatism. The gini coefficient for a delay of two or more days resulted in non-significant  equity scores of  0.09 (0.05,0.14) and 0.12 (0.07,0.17) for women and men respectively.

Conclusions: There were no significant differences in delays for hip fracture surgery between men and women, suggesting that – in contrast to other indications for hospitalization – gender plays relatively little role in determining timeliness of access.


Equity;Gini coefficient;Lorenz curve;Decision trees

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