Tularemia: A review of pathogenesis, clinical presentations and current diagnostic and treatment approaches

Jessica Snowden, Aileen Aldrich, Morgan Shaw


Tularemia is a highly infectious pathogen, important for both its role as a cause of acute febrile zoonotic infection and its potential role as a bioweapon. It can present with multiple possible clinical syndromes, requiring a high index of clinical suspicion on the part of health care providers. This review discusses the pathogenesis and clinical syndromes associated with tularemia infection, as well as reviewing current diagnostic, treatment and prevention strategies. Further study is on-going to design more effective treatment and prevention strategies for both endemic and potentially weaponized tularemia infections. Additionally, continuing education of clinicians in endemic areas will be needed to raise awareness of the variety of clinical phenotypes associated with this infection, as well as update providers on new treatment and diagnostic options as they become available.


Tularemia, Francisella tularensis, treatment, diagnosis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18103/imr.v2i10.139


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